
Category Archives for International.

After US’ DoT puts Air India on Notice, India talks of opening regular commercial flights to USA

Air India Boeing 777ER VT-ALV

Air India might soon be seeing competition from Delta and United to fly to India again as the US DoT forces the hand of the Government of India on designating Air India as the sole carrier between India and the USA for the time being. Air corridors are under discussion with the USA, UK, France and Germany for now.

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US Department of Transport moves to regulate Air India’s US Charter operations

air india 787

The US Department of Transport will implement a new order regulating the ability of Air India to operate flights to the USA from July 22 onwards if India does not give US-based carriers parity in terms of operating flights between India and the United States which were hampered due to India’s Corona Virus lockdown.

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Air India Repatriation Flights to USA: Flying experience from Bengaluru to San Francisco

an airplane wing in the sky

Here is a real-life experience flying back from India to the USA during the CoronaVirus caused lockdown which has stopped all flights inside India and from India to other countries. Air India has been doing a good job during these times. Check this out!

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