
Category Archives for India.

Reminder : 40,000 IHG Rewards Club points just to register & stay 3 times!

a woman hugging a man

IHG’s most interesting promotion is the Book Direct promotion where you can earn 40,000 points by just completing 3 stays in 2017. You get 1000 points just to register. Not just that, I maximized this offer last year by combining it with Accelerate and earning 75,000 points. Here’s how you can do it too.

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What? I paid more tax on my hotel stay in India than in UK or Ireland??

a calculator with a digital display

I am red all over my face seething with some sort of pent-up anger. I’ve just discovered that luxury is taxed differently in the western world as compared to India as compared to south-east Asia, and boo-yeah, we are paying a lot more taxes on those hotel stays now as compared to earlier. Nice moneygrab, eh?

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An English Summer: Introduction

British Airways First Class Boeing 787-9

In this edition of The English Summer, Shipra & I travel to the UK and onwards to Ireland for some rest & recuperation in luxury. We flew some new airline this time around, and stayed at a few new luxury hotels. Check out the trip report which spans U2, Hyatt Regency London, InterContinental Dublin, JW Marriott Sahar Mumbai and Park Hyatt Goa Resort & Spa along with travel on Air India and British Airways.

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