Arrive early at the airport while flying to the USA. A new security procedure is in place today onwards for American and international passengers flying to the USA, which would be subjected at the last point of deparutre.
Category Archives for News.
by Ajay 8 Comments
I am red all over my face seething with some sort of pent-up anger. I’ve just discovered that luxury is taxed differently in the western world as compared to India as compared to south-east Asia, and boo-yeah, we are paying a lot more taxes on those hotel stays now as compared to earlier. Nice moneygrab, eh?
by Ajay 8 Comments
by Ajay 5 Comments
We are reading reports that the American Administration is considering at some point of time to impose an ElectronicsBan on US originating flights as well. here is an update on all we know so far!
by Shipra 9 Comments
A 26 year old Australian national is currently in the prison for overstaying in the US by 90 minutes, While he may need to wait uptil 6 months before his case is heard by a judge, the sad thing is that if Mr Reid is criminally charged, he would face deportation and be barred from re-entering the US.