Tag Archives for HDFC Bank.

Tiger Airways offering almost free tickets to Singapore for HDFC Card Members till September 7, 2014

Tiger Airways is offering almost free one-ways on purchase of a return fare from Indian stations to Singapore, in case you book by September 7, 2014. You need to be able to book with an HDFC Credit/Debit/Prepaid card to be able to get this promotion. The fares are offered from Bangalore, Hyderabad, Trichy, Chennai and Kochi to Singapore for travel between 16 Sep-5 Dec 2014 and then 26 Jan-25 Mar 2015. To be able to benefit from these fares, all you need to do is to follow the following steps: Visit and key in the first 6-digits of your HDFC Bank Credit/ Debit/ Prepaid Card Select a flight for 1 or more passengers under the fare labelled ‘fly out…

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My Credit Card Strategy 2014 update

In the beginning of the year, I wrote my credit card strategy for 2014. I’ve been meaning to give a mid-year update, but not been able to do so far. Anyhow, lets take a look now at how things are going, and what may be the plan ahead. Here are the credit cards I already have, and my view on them. Citibank PremierMiles Visa (Keep): This is my favourite credit card all around, and if you’ve poked around this blog, you would have noticed I love this product. I intend to keep it and use it as my primary card to book airline tickets and make use of all the special Citibank promotions that come 3-4 times a year, such…

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Free Ticket codes very good reason why you should keep your Jet co-branded credit cards

One of the query I receive frequently from readers has been about the renewal for their Jet Airways co-branded credit cards issued by HDFC Bank, American Express and ICICI Bank. Most readers find it attractive to receive the card in the first year with 15,000 to 30,000 JP Miles as sign-up bonus, and want to cancel it after the first year because the second year renewal benefits are not as good, and they are paying the same amount of fees. While everyone who likes collecting miles across the globe loves to look at the US banks and the ability of US residents to churn credit cards every 3-6 months for big sign-up bonuses, it is a heartbreak indeed that the…

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My 2014 Credit Card Strategy

Last week, I wrote about my 2013 Mileage Credit Card strategy, where I told you guys I managed to get something about 264,000 miles basis credit cards issued in India for the full calendar year. For 2014, here are the credit cards I am looking at having in my wallet. Take note that while I intend to publish full reviews for each product at some point of time, it may be a while before I would be able to bring them all in the fold. To make it simple, I’ve updated my Mileage CC calculator for 2014 numbers, so have a look and see which is the best one for you. Here are the cards I already have, and I’ll…

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My 2013 Indian Credit Card mileage wins

I know it is a little late in the day to put out a round up for 2013, but I thought I’d do it anyways. I did not get the time to put a post earlier than this, but all I can tell you is we are lucky to be living in times when the mileage earning game is just about getting started in this country. And I am happy to be on board earlier rather than later. For the rest of you, miles and points are not just a silly hobby, but they can finance a lifestyle if you did all the right things. For the longest time, for 10 years or so actually, India just had one major…

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Are you travelling today? Here is a Jet Airways base fare off code for you

I’m truly delighted people are dusting up their inboxes to send in all the coupon codes they have which could benefit someone else. There is a Spicejet code, and a HDFC code posted here, and now Rohit Binrajka sent in another one which takes the base fare off your 9W ticket, incase you decide to travel today. HFqj9Kch You have to book and travel on or before August 31, 2013 and this one is an HDFC Bank Credit Card (Jet airways) issuance. All the best! Related Posts: Airline codes going away for Jet Airways & Spicejet Some discount codes going away Giving away a Rs. 750 Jet Airways discount code Live From A Lounge is present on Facebook, Twitter…

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Jet Airways and HDFC Bank launch a co-branded debit card

I almost thought I was nuts to have imagined that HDFC Bank and Jet Airways announced last year that they would introduce co-branded Debit Cards as a part of their alliance. There was no word from either party for a whole year after launching a credit card, and now it comes. On the 1st of July, HDFC Bank and Jet Airways finally launched a JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World Debit Card. Like I mentioned earlier, debit cards are a bigger market in India than credit cards, and a lot of people do not like to borrow to spend. And HDFC Bank would be the first debit card in the Indian market to offer a debit card which earns miles on swiping…

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It can be a royal pain to get the ICICI Bank Jet Airways credit card

There, I said it! I’ve covered all the 3 co-branded partnerships between Jet Airways and different banks on this blog whenever they were introduced. I’ve also gone through the process of acquiring all these cards over a period of time, proof enough of how much I love collecting JP Miles. There has been a certain amount of enthusiasm and confusion wrapped around all the three products launched by the various banks, but ICICI takes the cake. Let me share my experience with acquiring all the 3 cards and the story so far. HDFC Bank: HDFC Bank was the first off the block in August 2012, announcing their credit card partnership with Jet Airways. Since I already had a HDFC Bank…

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Find your best Mileage Earning CC in India here

Last week, I wrote the Mileage Earning 101 – India Edition 2013, where I had provided you my views on all the credit cards you could use to earn miles in India. I got quite some feedback and requests, including one for a calculator. That prodded me to pull out an old worksheet from 2011 and add some columns to it, adding all the new information available to it. I hereby present to you Version 1.0 of the worksheet, which you can directly access from Google Drive here. Here is how to use it with just a few simple inputs: Step 1: Input if you are a JetPrivilege Platinum Member or not. Step 2: Input your monthly domestic spend and…

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Mileage Earning Credit Cards 101 – India edition 2013!

I met a fairly well travelled bunch of people this past weekend for a coffee in Mumbai, and I was very surprised at the end of this conversation when we pulled out our wallets to pick the tab. The payment was split between two of the folks, and I was not allowed to pay. However, both the cards used for payment were not mileage earning or anything close! The scene was repeated later that evening with a bunch of friends. Someone beat me to reaching out for the check, and another non-mileage earning credit card went into the payment mode. Look, I have nothing against non-mileage earning credit cards. I was using them at a point of time (when there…

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JetPrivilege clarifies on ‘Wheel of Fortune’

I’ve been wondering a while about how the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ was going to be honoured by Jet Airways, and some answers had begin to emerge when the complimentary credit card mailers were sent out last week to those who picked HDFC Bank. Now, I got an official response from Jet Airways a couple of days back and I am reproducing the relevant portions for you here below: Dear AJ,This is with reference to your feedback on Twitter and your telephonic conversation with my colleague ____ at the JetPrivilege Service Centre. Allow us to respond to your queries point wise:- 1.  All those JetPrivilege members who had participated in the Wheel Of Fortune Contest and had chosen any one of…

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