IHG came out with the details of their Accelerate promotion for 2016 a while ago. Here is a recap of the promotion again.
Have you had a chance to look at your offers and figure out if you want to send your stays their way?
Category Archives for English.
by Shipra 4 Comments
by Ajay 14 Comments
AwardWallet is a website which helps you keep track of all your miles and points. We are offering you access to their premium version for six months if you come in and pick up on of these codes. Have a look
by Ajay 3 Comments
Jet Airways has announced their plans to install new IFE systems on their planes which will enable you to watch content on your own phone or tablet. They also plan to use these systems to offer wifi in the air once our regulators allow this.
Find out all the details inside about the rollout.
by Ajay 9 Comments
IHG Rewards Club is coming up with new changes to their categories, where they are making 200 hotels more expensive for redemptions, and making 200 hotels cheaper for redemption as well. This, apart from the fact that they are going to make new redemption categories for some of their most aspirational properties.
All the Indian properties stay the same or go down in redemption pricing. Read the full post for all the details.
Hello from Mumbai, where we are rounding up the first month of 2016.
It has been a week catching up on some loyalty program news, including Air India dropping a devaluation bomb but also about the #redcarpettrip and other content which we have added to the blog. Also, there is a big JPMiles Giveaway inside.
Here is hoping you will find the posts useful.
On the #redcarpettrip, our first stop was Los Angeles. We chose to stay at the Andaz West Hollywood hotel there for three nights and had the iconic Penthouse Suite to ourselves.
This is a review of the stay at the Andaz West Hollywood Penthouse Suite. You are in for a suite surprise, so come in and read!
by Ajay 5 Comments
RocketMiles is a website which helps you earn miles when you book hotels using their website. We have collaborated to help you with earning a 4000 JPMiles bonus for your first booking, over and above the miles you will earn per night.
Also, here is a chance to win a 15,000 JPMiles bounty as well! Read up to find out more!
IHG Reward Club comes up with a hotel promotion every quarter, where various IHG hotels are offered for discounted redemptions of 5000 points.
The current list of hotels has been published and this is valid from January 25, 2016 to April 30, 2016. Have a look inside to find the relevant details.