
Tag Archives for Twitter.

Comparing @Jetairways, @Indigo6e and @flyspicejet

I recently discussed the new presence of Indigo on Twitter, which makes it the fourth domestic airline from India to get on Twitter. The other ones, in the order of their Twitter account being established are/were: @JetAirways (2008), @FlyKingfisher (2008), @FlySpiceJet (2009) and now @Indigo6e (2013). Now, I am no social media expert, but I thought I’d share my thoughts and experiences with you on all the Indian airlines on Twitter. Twitter, in my view, is a broadcast-engagement channel for individuals and businesses now. It came a long way from being microblogging, where one put out one-liners about what they were feeling or doing. Maybe my views are colored by my great experiences with @AmericanAir and @DeltaAssist, with whom I…

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Indigo gets on Twitter

Indigo, India’s largest airline by marketshare, has been Social Media shy for a long time. In the past, they had no presence on Facebook or Twitter, however all that is changing. Indigo launched their Facebook page in 2011, and has grown to 222K fans/likes over the past two years. And just an hour back, they launched their Twitter account. In the past, their Twitter interactions were being unofficially handled by their PR agency, however, this is the official Twitter account. If you wish to follow them, they are on @indigo6E. (courtesy Indigo Airlines) Lets hope they keep their cool quotient up on Twitter too. Live From A Lounge is present on Facebook, Twitter & available via email, RSS.

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Multiple ways to connect with Live from a Lounge!

I realised it has been a while since I informed you about what is going on and how are things at the back end of the blog. Some of you’ve also pinged in to ask about my columns. First things first, there have been some excessive downtimes with BoardingArea overall of late, and these have been analysed to belong mostly to Amazon Web Services, the cloud server that is a part of the problem. However, some other times it is more some lines of bad code as well, but there is assurance that BoardingArea will be moving to a better server soon, so thanks to the folks who manage BoardingArea for that. Next, how are we doing? Thank you for…

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And we have a winner…

A few days back I announced a small swag giveaway on the blog, and asked you all to head to Facebook to drop your suggestions there about what you wanted to see more on this blog. And here we go with the winner of the BoardingArea t-shirt who dropped a suggestion on the Facebook wall. Thank you Indranil for your suggestion, and I will be in touch with you shortly to deliver your swag. Also, I’ll be covering redeeming award flights with Jet Airways and my own experiences very soon. So look out! I also promised a couple of pens to a couple of ‘Likers’ on FB. For this, I used to figure out who came up with the…

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Get set to receive a free Hilton night this week in 5 cities across the globe!

It all started with the IHG contest to give away free Intercontinental nights, which SPG quickly followed suite to give out nights on a Facebook contest. And now that those contests are over, Hilton is coming up with a promo all this week to give away free night certificates in a treasure hunt contest it will conduct in 5 cities across the globe this week, so one for each working day. 100 certificates to be given away each day to celebrate the quarterly promo of Hilton where you get a free award night certificate. However, unlike the other contests which were centered around social media, Hilton’s treasure hunt will involve more physical activity. To sign-up, you need to start following…

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If it ain’t broken, still fix it with @DeltaAssist

I blogged recently about my trashy experience with Delta on my last flight with them here. The crux of the issue on hand was that I complied with their guidelines, and the outdated Delta IT systems did not pick up my Flying Blue status and honour the priveleges. After the flight, I tweeted this to @DeltaAssist. I had asked them to fix this beforehand but I guess I got on with the wrong agent who did not fix the problem. The agents at Delta sent me a direct message back on Twitter asking me for my ticket details and the problem. After a brief conversation on these direct messages, they accepted that they had made a mistake and offered to refund…

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