Delta just made a big move towards all their SkyMiles members and the Sky Medallion programme by offering everyone a one year no questions asked status extension. Not just that member perks are being extended as well for the time being.
Air India has extended their flights cancellation through April 30, 2020. This should ideally mean others will follow and not expecting to fly anytime through April 2020.
Emirates, one of the biggest airlines around the globe, grounded since March 25, 2020, is planning to resume a limited flight schedule on April 6, 2020, working towards a gradual resumption of the schedule over the months ahead.
Qatar Airways is extending the status of everyone who is due to have their Qatar Airways status expire by January 2021. Everyone gets 1 more year of status, on the house. No Questions Asked.
Airlines across the nation had to meet payroll yesterday. While some did a stellar job, paying up ahead to employees and paying in full, some others did not keep their commitment to their employees. Here is an update on the March payroll for Indian airlines.
The UAE government has committed to bailing out Emirates via equity infusion in the coming days. This announcement was made in a series of announcements made by the crown prince of Dubai.
Air India has made an important policy announcement, deciding to defer all points expiry and freezing their members status until Flying ‘Returns’ at the other end of this pandemic outbreak.
If you were thinking of flying into India or heading outside the country over the next few weeks, let’s forget it. India has formally announced that all flights outside the country will not be operative until at least April 14, 2020.