
Tag Archives for Boeing.

Air India goes 787 on Delhi Paris CDG from January 2013

Air India is flush with their Boeing 787s now, and as per the recent reports have received 4 Boeing 787 planes as of December 31, 2012. Since September 2012, when they took delivery of the first plane, the 787’s are now in operation on various domestic as well as international segments for Air India. They are frequently found on DEL-BLR-DEL, DEL-MAA-DEL, DEL-CCU-DEL in the domestic skies. Internationally, Air India first put them out on the Delhi – Dubai segment (DEL-DXB-DEL), and then introduced a flight to Frankfurt on the 787s in October 2012. Air India says the 787 has made this route operationally profitable. With the addition of new planes, now the next route which is intended to be moved…

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Ethiopian upgrades Mumbai flight to a 787 daily

Ethiopian, the first African carrier to receive the Boeing 787, is now putting up a daily service to Mumbai from 11th November onwards with their 787. The initial plan for this service was 25 November, but ET brings it up ahead and replacing the Boeing 767 which flew this route earlier. As per, here is the schedule of the flights: Addis Ababa – Mumbai Service begins from 11NOV12, previously planned from 25NOV12 ET610 ADD2120 – 0450+1BOM 788 DET611 BOM0540 – 0800ADD 788 D ET611 with 787 service from 12NOV12 Ethiopian is a Star Alliance member airline, and their 787 looks amazing from the inside, as compared to national carrier Air India’s 787. This gives one more option to those…

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Air India 787: Flying to Frankfurt from Oct 15!

Air India recently received its third 787 plane, the first one completely built in their new facility in Charleston. This plane, VT-ANI has arrived in India on Tuesday, and now Air India has the sort of numbers to rotate planes for an international flight of the medium/long-haul variety. Like I posted earlier, this was the plane expected to be handed over a while back. Another 787 is coming to them in October 2012, and then one more expected by the end of this year. Air India is now expecting to launch their international flights on the Delhi-Frankfurt route from October 15, 2012. However, habitual of them, they have not updated this in the GDS yet, and there is no trace…

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Spoof on Air India’s 787 Dreamliner

I saw this interesting spoof on Air India’s new 787 planes, which I am sure would leave you in splits! Please scroll over to 16:00 Minutes, or use this link to watch it directly on YouTube! Enjoy the dreams! (H.T. to Live From A Lounge is present on Facebook, Twitter & available via email, RSS.

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Air India’s 787 updates

Air India received its first Boeing 787-8 airplane a couple of weeks back, and started to put it on domestic service after some confusions. The Aeroblogger website carries an interesting guest post, which is a trip report on the Delhi-Bangalore segment served by the plane. In the meanwhile, Air India received its second Dreamliner VT-AND in mid-September as well. Word is that VT-ANI, the first Dreamliner built in Charleston will be also handed over to Air India shortly. Air India is picking up good loads at least on the Delhi-Bangalore flight of the 787. The trip report hints to that, and also a pilot who said recently AI to Bangalore was going with 244 pax on board. Keeping that in…

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Air India’s first revenue flights of the Boeing 787

Like the regular readers know already, Air India received their first Boeing 787 planes about a fortnight back. It took them 15 days to start deploying them on revenue flights while other airlines such as Ethopian took delivery and had a party flight on the way into Ethopia itself. I’ve been circumspect about the success of Air India with these new planes being inducted, however, I finally was able to confirm the schedule a few days back and I put it out on a post for aviation lovers to read and book up if they wanted to be on that flight. However, looks like Day 1 was a washout for the airline. Air India’s marketing machinery sucks and almost everyone…

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Air India’s 787 first revenue flight on DEL-MAA 19 Sept ’12!

Air India, the confused Indian carrier, is up to it. They took a long while deciding when to offer the 787 flights to the public, and as per a FlyerTalk thread, this is also due to the infighting between the old Air India management and the Indian Airlines crew (which was on paper merged into AI in 2005). That said, they have finally loaded the first flights of their recently acquired Boeing 787 into their reservation systems, and the first revenue flight of the bird will be on 19th September 2012 on DEL – MAA (AI 639). Here is the extract from which confirmed this: Delhi – Chennai eff 19SEP12 AI439/440AI439 DEL0700 – 0940MAA 788 DAI430 MAA1045 – 1325DEL…

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Why I am not too hopeful with the Air India 787 induction?!

The Air India B787 take off from Charleston I’ve been sounding negative all along about Air India being actually able to make some difference with the cutting edge 787 being added to their fleet. After a comedy of errors all these months, as the plane took off from Charlseton yesterday to be flown to Delhi, I know a lot of India is feeling like this plane is going to change the fortunes of Air India. I can’t support that view, because I’ve seen Air India go down and down over the months and years from the sidelines. Here are some things that point to them being clueless about the whole airline business maybe. Perhaps one of India’s respectable aviation journalist,…

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The Jinx is broken. Air India has been delivered a Boeing 787-8!

Oh lord, this was not deemed to have happen, but it finally did. I first crossed roads with an Air India colors Boeing 787 at the Indian Aviation 2012 event in March 2012. For the record, I was not impressed with how Air India was planning to use these planes, because they were clueless themselves. At that point of time, Air India was supposed to be the second carrier to have the plane, and perhaps the first one with the GEnx-1B engines, picking them up in May 2012. That was the plan even when I visited the Boeing factory in January 2012 and talked to some people there. And then, Air India and the Government of India got greedy and…

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The Lufthansa 747-8i, coming to Delhi on August 6

Like I previously wrote in March, Lufthansa has been planning to bring their latest acquisition, the Boeing 747-8i to it’s Delhi-Frankfurt and Bangalore-Frankfurt routes. (Pic courtesy Lufthansa) Lufthansa has recently taken delivery of the second 747-8i plane and is all set to put it on service on the Frankfurt-Delhi-Frankfurt route with effect from August 6. Lufthansa has confirmed the plane swap on its Facebook page as well, making Delhi the launch destination of the B747-8i in Asia, and the second destination of this plane after Washington DC. This will also mark the debut of the new Business Class product in Asia. Anybody booked to fly this bird? Write to me for a guest post please. Related Post: The Lufthansa 747-8i,…

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Japan Airlines becomes the first to fly the B787 to India

While Air India is preparing to receive its Boeing 787 Dreamliners from Boeing, which should be finally arriving somewhere in May 2012, Japan Airlines seems to have stolen the thunder from Air India by being the first airline to operate the 787 services to India. The picture you see above is from JAL’s 787 first approach at Delhi’s Airport. Japan Airlines recently received its Boeing 787 planes, and used the first one to start a Boston-Tokyo service which is a new route, with effect from May 1, 2012, they’ve also pressed this plane into service on the Tokyo-Delhi-Tokyo route, making JAL the first operator to bring the 787 planes to India commercially. There is good reason to believe this makes…

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