
Category Archives for International.

Join us for an exciting #avgeek chat with Nitin Sarin about aviation law and the business of aviation during CoVid19

a collage of men with text

We bring you the next in our series of industry insiders conversations. where Nitin Sarin, who practices aviation law, tells us stories from his time working with people in the industry, shows off his aviation model collection and perhaps will also talk about how he helped acquire the (in)famous VT-VJM aircraft!

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All airlines operating in/to India directed to stop accepting reservations for flights from May 4, 2020

a large airplane on the tarmac

All the airlines operating inside India, as well as operating flights to India, have been told to stop the sale of flights to/from/within India till further notice, to make sure that the airlines won’t be able to take new reservations for the time being.

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Air India opens booking for international flights on June 1, 2020

an airplane on the tarmac

Air India has opened up reservations for flights abroad from June 1, 2020. This may be indicative of the timeline when most airlines will be able to actually open up future international flights in line with getting over with CoVid-19. Social Distancing on the plane will be practiced on the plane as well.

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Don’t book tickets for travel from May 4, 2020 at the moment

airplanes parked at an airport

Time for the same thing to go round and round. Airlines have opened booking for flights from May 4, 2020 onwards, however, our advice remains the same. Don’t book a flight ticket at the moment if you don’t have to. You never know if this flight is going to take off or not.

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IATA predicts a USD 314 Billion loss of passenger revenue in 2020 due to CoVid-19

a row of airplanes on a runway

At a weekly press conference about the CoVid-19 impact on aviation, IATA predicts that there will be a USD 314 billion dollar drop of revenue from passenger traffic in 2020, compared to 2019. This is a much higher number as compared to their original prediction made three weeks ago.

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