
Category Archives for News.

Hilton launches new CleanStay initiative for enhanced cleaning in a (post) CoVid-19 era

a person holding a phone

Hilton Hotels has partnered with Mayo Clinic and RB (owners of brand Lysol) to put in place new hotel cleaning standards in North America, and subsequently the rest of the world, as they prepare for travel in a post CoVid19 era. Check out how your travels might change in the times ahead.

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Here is how Mumbai Airport will maintain social distancing when it re-opens for business

Mumbai Airport Terminal 2

While it is all quiet on the flying front at the moment, Mumbai Airport is working towards re-opening in a post-CoVid-19 lockdown world, an era where social distancing will be the norm. Here are some pictures and what to expect the next time you turn up to fly from Mumbai Airport.

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