Jet Airways postpones Deal/Light fares meal cuts

Last week,  Jet Airways announced domestic in-flight meals cuts on Deal and Light fare families. The change was supposed to come into effect this week, with the sale of tickets with the new rules going live today. But earlier today, Jet Airways delayed this move by a few days.

Jet Airways food free or not

Jet Airways food: free or not?

Jet Airways initially planned to discontinue meals on Light & Deal tickets booked on or after September 25, 2018. This move has now been delayed by about two weeks. The new policy comes into effect on tickets booked October 12, 2018, onwards for flights on or after October 15, 2018.

I’m not sure why did the airline change their plans. I would guess that they wanted a bit more time to be better prepared for in-flight operations. After all, setting up the infrastructure for things like buy-on-board meals takes time, especially with a large airline like Jet Airways.

I fly Jet Airways quite frequently on shorter routes such as Mumbai – Hyderabad and Mumbai – Bengaluru. While Ajay has been experiencing the improved catering on metro routes such as the Mumbai-Delhi route, short-haul food is still disappointing. I ended up returning the snack box eight out of ten times in the last few months. Honestly, I’m perfectly happy paying for a pack of chips and cola rather than being served a greasy chicken roll.


Jet Airways’ move to delay their meal changes is a prudent decision. It is better to be late to the party than to rush in ill-prepared. Also, perhaps it gives you two weeks to add on the free food to your meal if you have confirmed plans for the months ahead.

So, which ones of you are going for the meals on the light fares. Rush here to book on Jet Airways website. 


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