
Category Archives for English.

Etihad offering status match opportunity for $99 for Indian and Australian Residents

a woman sitting in a chair holding a cup

Etihad Airways’ Etihad Guest programme is offering a status match opportunity for their loyalty programme members in India and Australia. Etihad would match member tiers all the way up to the Gold Tier in this generous status match opportunity.

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One Week Only: Get an Amex Card with bonus points and Amazon Gift Cards (up to INR 1,500)

a credit card with a picture of a man

Here is how to get yourself started on your American Express journey by getting yourself an Amex India card. American Express has now added 25 new cities for sourcing as well, so you might be able to get one for yourself in these new cities, and for one more week, you can get an additional Amazon Pay voucher on approval as well.

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