
Category Archives for English.

Wide Ranging Changes at Club Vistara: Perks up, Redemptions & Upgrades devalued!

a group of women on a beach

Club Vistara announced a wide range of changes today, which included some perks for Platinum members and Gold members, but essentially took away a lot of the value from the programme in a broad reorganisation of their routes where many routes now require as much as double points for upgrades and so on. Here is an update.

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Boeing warns of 737 production shutdown and 777X Entry Into Service delays

a blue and white airplane in the sky

Boeing announced their second quarter results yesterday. Boeing expects the 737 MAX to come back in service by the end of this year, or otherwise, they will have to reduce production, or even shut down the line for a while perhaps. On the 777X, they expect the aircraft to have a delayed entry into service now due to engine issues.

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